Chinese CDC director receives 3 kinds of domestic vaccines with no physical discomfort
Gao Fu, director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention Photo:
Chinese CDC director Gao Fu said he has received three shots of different types of COVID-19 vaccines made by Chinese vaccine developers and felt no physical discomfort. He says he is feeling confident about home-made vaccines.
“I had been vaccinated with domestically produced vaccines as early as May last year, and I was the first group of people who tried the new thing,” said Gao Fu, director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the Global People magazine reported on Sunday.
“I have received three shots so far. The types of vaccines and manufacturers are different, but I don’t feel any discomfort. The reason for this is because I have confidence in the country’s vaccines,” Gao said.
There is no mention in the interview of the exact time when Gao received the three shots or which brands of vaccines were used.
Gao also noted that there are four factors to consider when evaluating whether a vaccine is good: “How to judge a good vaccine? Safe, effective, controllable, and accessible [economically available to most people]. The Chinese vaccines have achieved these four aspects,” Gao said.
Gao also explained the effectiveness of Chinese vaccines against the Delta variant strain.
“In fact, every time a new epidemic occurs, we will quickly make a diagnosis, isolate the strains and then do cross-integration experiments, and finally observe the effectiveness of the vaccine through the experimental results. So far, our vaccines work [for variant strains], especially for the Delta variant which has received the most attention,” Gao noted.