At present, the world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century and the global pandemic of the COVID-19 epidemic is intertwined, and the world has entered a new period of turbulence and change. Global threats and challenges are emerging one after another, unilateralism, protectionism, and hegemonism are on the rise, and non-traditional security threats such as public health, terrorism, climate change, and cybersecurity are on the rise. The world is facing prominent instability and uncertainty.
At the same time, the world’s multi-polarization, economic globalization, social informatization, and civilization diversification continue to develop in depth, and the international community’s voice for peace and development has become stronger. Countries need to strengthen solidarity and cooperation, uphold the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, further improve the global governance system, and jointly seek solutions to global problems.
1. The world needs genuine multilateralism. Multilateralism is the cornerstone of the existing international order and an effective way to maintain peace and promote development. There is only one system in the world, the international system with the United Nations at the core; there is only one order, the international order based on international law; there is only one set of rules, the basic norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter.
— — We must practice true multilateralism, adhere to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, and abide by the basic norms of international relations; insist on respecting the sovereignty of all countries, and all countries, big or small, are equal; adhere to the diversity of the world, respect the legitimate rights of all countries to develop and choose their own development paths; International affairs should be handled by everyone through consultation, and the democratization of international relations should be promoted. We oppose the use of multilateralism as a guise to engage in closed bloc politics; we oppose the use of multilateralism as an excuse to impose rules made by a few countries on the international community. It is necessary to oppose the ideologicalization of multilateralism and forge a value alliance for specific countries.
— — We must adhere to the global governance concept of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, adhere to the leadership of member states, and be guided by effective actions, and promote the global governance system to better reflect changes in the international landscape and reflect most countries, especially emerging market countries, in a more balanced manner. and the will and interests of developing countries to more effectively respond to global challenges. Member states should earnestly fulfill their financial obligations as stipulated in the UN Charter, pay UN dues and peacekeeping assessments in a timely, full and unconditional manner in accordance with the principle of capacity to pay determined by the UN General Assembly resolutions, and support the UN in effectively performing its functions.
— — Take the opportunity of advancing the report of the Secretary-General’s “Our Common Agenda” to continuously improve the operational efficiency of the UN itself, enhance its ability to respond to global challenges, adapt to the current new situation and new tasks, and especially strengthen the development system to support member states in implementing the 2030 capacity of the sustainable development agenda, strengthen oversight and accountability, and fully respond to the expectations of the international community.
2. Promote the joint building of a community of human security. The global security initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping advocates adhering to the concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, adheres to respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, adheres to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, adheres to paying attention to the reasonable security concerns of all countries, and adheres to the Peacefully resolve differences and disputes between countries, adhere to overall planning to maintain security in traditional and non-traditional areas, and promote the joint building of a community of human security. The initiative upholds the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, takes mutual respect as the fundamental principle, and regards the indivisibility of security as an important principle, and takes a new security path of dialogue rather than confrontation, partnership rather than alliance, and win-win rather than zero-sum.
— — Promote political solutions to international and regional hotspot issues. War and sanctions are not the fundamental way to solve problems, dialogue and consultation are the effective ways to resolve differences. It is necessary to strengthen strategic communication between countries, enhance mutual trust in security, resolve conflicts, manage and control differences, and eliminate the root causes of crises. Major countries must uphold fairness and justice, shoulder due responsibilities, support equal consultation, respect the opinions of the countries concerned, persuade peace and negotiation, and mediate in accordance with the needs and aspirations of the countries concerned. The Security Council should give priority to the use of the mediation tool enshrined in Chapter VI of the UN Charter to actively promote political settlement of hot-spot issues. The international community should uphold the principle of indivisibility of security, build a balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture, adhere to the peaceful settlement of international disputes, and encourage parties to conflicts to build mutual trust through dialogue, resolve disputes through dialogue, and promote security through dialogue.
— — Maintain global strategic stability. China advocates that nuclear-weapon states should abandon their nuclear deterrence strategy centered on preemptive strikes, stop developing and deploying global anti-missile systems, and not seek to deploy land-based intermediate missiles overseas, so as to promote global strategic balance and stability. The countries concerned withdraw nuclear weapons deployed abroad, and must not replicate the “nuclear sharing” arrangement in the Asia-Pacific in any form. Nuclear disarmament should follow the principles of “maintaining global strategic stability” and “uncompromising the security of all countries”, and proceed step by step. Countries with the largest nuclear arsenals have special and priority responsibilities for nuclear disarmament.
— — China advocates the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear, biological, chemical and other types of weapons of mass destruction, and firmly opposes any form of proliferation activities. The US-UK-Australia nuclear submarine cooperation concerns the integrity, effectiveness and authority of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, as well as the international security order as well as regional and global security and stability. The IAEA Board of Governors has repeatedly put the issue of US-UK-Australia nuclear submarine cooperation on the official agenda. China urges the three countries to face up to the concerns of the international community, and supports the IAEA in launching and continuing to advance the intergovernmental process by following established practice to discuss issues related to nuclear submarine cooperation. Before all parties reach a consensus, the three countries and the agency secretariat should not negotiate on their own the arrangements for the cooperation in safeguarding nuclear submarines. China calls on the three countries to respect the will of countries in the region and revoke the decision to carry out nuclear submarine cooperation.
— — China attaches great importance to nuclear safety, puts forward a nuclear safety concept of “rationality, coordination and progress”, and strives to build a global nuclear safety community with a shared future. The international community should conscientiously sum up the lessons learned from the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan, continuously strengthen nuclear safety efforts, and jointly safeguard global marine environmental safety and public health interests. Japan’s unilateral announcement of its decision to discharge Fukushima nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean has aroused serious concern among the Pacific Rim countries and the people in Japan. Japan should earnestly fulfill its international obligations, dispose of nuclear-contaminated water in a scientific, open, transparent, and safe manner, and stop forcibly pushing the sea discharge plan. Japan shall not initiate the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water into the sea without authorization until it has fully consulted and reached an agreement with stakeholders and relevant international institutions.
— — China actively promotes the comprehensive, balanced and effective implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention, is committed to realizing the lofty goal of a world free of chemical weapons, urges the United States to complete the destruction of chemical weapons in its stockpiles as soon as possible, and urges Japan to speed up the process of destroying chemical weapons in Japan. China advocates that all countries adhere to a common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security concept and continuously strengthen global governance in the field of conventional weapons.
— — China attaches great importance to biosecurity and is committed to improving global biosecurity governance. The international community should work together to achieve substantive results at the review conference of the Biological Weapons Convention at the end of this year, continuously strengthen the mechanism of the Convention, and restart multilateral negotiations on the verification protocol of the Convention. At the same time, the international community should jointly advocate responsible biological research and encourage all stakeholders to voluntarily adopt the Tianjin Guidelines for the Biosafety Code of Conduct for Scientists to reduce biosafety risks and promote the healthy development of biotechnology.
— — Regarding outer space security, we should respect and ensure that all countries enjoy equal rights to explore and use outer space peacefully, abandon the practice of major power competition, bloc politics and camp confrontation in outer space, support the United Nations in playing the main platform role in the international governance of outer space, and insist on Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space. Regarding cyber security, we should uphold unity, oppose fragmentation of the Internet and create confrontation, and balance the relationship between technological progress, economic development, and protection of national security and social public interests, and should not abuse national security reasons to restrict normal ICT development and cooperation. Regarding AI security governance, the principles of multilateralism, openness and inclusiveness should be adhered to, and through dialogue and cooperation, efforts should be made to jointly regulate AI military applications and establish an international mechanism for universal participation, and promote the formation of AI governance frameworks and standards with broad consensus.
— — The international community should establish a global anti-terrorism united front centered on the United Nations, strengthen overall planning and coordination, and promote the formation of greater synergy. China strongly condemns all forms of terrorism and extremism, opposes linking terrorism and extremism with specific countries, ethnicities and religions, and opposes the adoption of “double standards”. In counter-terrorism, we should adhere to comprehensive policies, address both the symptoms and root causes, promote political solutions to hot-spot issues, advocate the harmonious coexistence of different civilizations and religions, help relevant regions and countries develop their economies, improve people’s livelihoods, and completely eliminate the soil that terrorism has created. It is necessary to help developing countries improve their counter-terrorism capacity building, and at the same time focus on addressing the challenges posed by emerging technologies to international counter-terrorism.
3. Promoting the building of a community with a shared future for global development. In 2013, China proposed the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative, which aims to promote policy communication, facility connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration, and people-to-people bonds with connectivity as the main line. As of July 2022, 149 countries have signed cooperation documents on the joint construction of the “Belt and Road”, and the “Belt and Road” has become the world’s largest and most popular international cooperation platform. The “Belt and Road” follows the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, upholds the concept of openness, greenness and integrity, and is committed to achieving high standards, improving people’s livelihood, and achieving sustainable goals. Nine years since the proposal was put forward, a large number of pragmatic cooperation projects have been successfully implemented. Under the background of the epidemic, relevant cooperation still shows strong resilience and vigorous vitality. All parties are further strengthening the alignment of development strategies, deepening practical cooperation in various fields, and taking the opportunity of jointly building a healthy, green, digital and innovative Silk Road to create new highlights of cooperation, and strive to achieve higher levels of cooperation, higher investment benefits, and higher supply. Quality, higher development resilience, promote high-quality joint construction of the “Belt and Road” to achieve more positive results, and make more contributions to the recovery of the world economy after the epidemic. China will continue to promote the effective alignment and synergy between the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and make joint efforts with all parties, including UN agencies, to promote the high-quality development of the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” and achieve new results. , to achieve a bright future of win-win cooperation.
— — President Xi Jinping proposed a global development initiative to build consensus, mobilize resources, take action and form synergy for accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. China upholds an open and inclusive partnership spirit, adheres to the principles of development priority, people-centeredness, harmonious coexistence between man and nature, innovation-driven, global development partnership, action orientation, and synergy, and will not leave any country or person behind. Eight key areas of cooperation, including poverty reduction, food security, anti-epidemic and vaccines, development financing, climate change and green development, industrialization, digital economy, and connectivity in the digital era, are proposed to provide a feasible path for accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
— — Improve the global poverty reduction governance mechanism and promote the international community to pay more attention to poverty reduction. Deepen exchanges and pragmatic cooperation in poverty reduction policies, expand poverty reduction partnerships, eliminate absolute poverty, and solve the problem of returning to poverty due to the epidemic and multidimensional poverty. Promote full employment and help young women and other groups out of poverty. Strengthen energy policy coordination, maintain the security and stability of the energy supply chain, and ensure energy availability and affordability in developing countries. It is necessary to strengthen financing for sustainable development, urge developed countries to fulfill their ODA commitments to developing countries, give full play to the role of multilateral development banks and other international financial organizations, provide developing countries with more development resources, and enhance developing countries’ capacity for independent development.
— — Strengthen cooperation in grain production, storage, transportation, processing and other aspects of grain saving and loss reduction, and enhance the grain self-sufficiency of developing countries, especially the least developed countries. Promote the improvement of a fair and reasonable international grain trade order, and maintain the stability and smoothness of the industrial chain and supply chain. Deepen agricultural technology cooperation, promote the transformation of the food system, and achieve green and sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas.
— — Deepen anti-epidemic cooperation, strengthen vaccine innovation and research and development cooperation, joint production and technology transfer, ensure that vaccines are accessible and affordable in developing countries, and build a global immunization barrier. The international community should support the WHO in playing a central coordinating role in global health governance, and support necessary and reasonable reforms to the global health governance system so that it can better eliminate political interference, respect professional science, and better access and use resources to deal with public health issues. health crisis, and better support the building of a community of human health. Global scientific traceability should be supported, and any form of political manipulation should be firmly opposed. We should uphold multilateralism, deepen solidarity and cooperation, further support the work of the United Nations and relevant specialized agencies in the global fight against AIDS and other infectious and non-communicable diseases, and advance the realization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
- Strengthen international cooperation on climate change and help developing countries resist the impact of climate change. Always adhere to the basic legal framework and principles of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Paris Agreement, especially the principles of fairness, common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities. Developed countries should turn their commitments into firm actions, and earnestly fulfill their financial, technological and capacity-building support for developing countries. It is necessary to always adhere to the general direction of low carbon, and take into account people’s livelihood and energy security. The exit of traditional energy must be based on the safe and reliable replacement of new energy. It is necessary to deepen cooperation in renewable energy and clean energy, strengthen technology transfer and sharing, and promote the transformation and upgrading of energy resources and consumption structure. Strengthen cooperation in ecological protection and governance, and improve the green development and green financing capabilities of developing countries.
- Countries should strengthen digital capacity building and bridge the digital divide. Promote digital industrialization and international cooperation in industrial digitization, promote the integration of digital technology and the real economy, empower the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, promote anti-epidemic recovery and economic growth through digital methods, and strengthen digital and green coordinated transformation and development. Give play to the role of digital poverty reduction, and carry out cooperation in fields such as e-commerce that benefits farmers. It is necessary to strengthen the digital cooperation of customs and government services in various countries, promote the cooperation of “smart customs, smart borders, and smart connectivity”, and promote the intelligent interconnection of all parties in the supply chain.
Fourth, promote the common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom for all mankind. Peaceful development is our common cause, fairness and justice are our common ideals, and democracy and freedom are our common pursuit. The world is rich and colorful. Diversity is the charm of human civilization, and it is also the source of vitality and driving force for the development of the world. All countries in the world should abandon ideological disputes, overcome the trap of clash of civilizations, and respect each other’s development paths and models independently chosen by each country, so that world diversity can become an inexhaustible driving force for the progress of human society and a colorful natural form of human civilization.
— — Promoting and protecting human rights is the common cause of all mankind. The Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights have established lofty goals and basic principles for the global cause of human rights, which should be followed and practiced by all countries. Human rights are historical, concrete and realistic. Countries must and can only explore their own human rights development path based on their own reality and people’s needs. We must adhere to the people-centered human rights concept, and comprehensively and systematically promote various human rights. Among them, the rights to subsistence and development are the primary basic human rights. All countries have the right to independently choose the path of human rights development, conduct human rights dialogue and cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual respect, oppose the politicization and double standards of human rights issues, and oppose the use of human rights as an excuse to interfere in other countries’ internal affairs. The Human Rights Council and other UN human rights mechanisms should uphold the principles of impartiality, objectivity, non-selectivity and non-politicization, and should not be reduced to a stage for large-scale political confrontation.
- Adhere to fairness and justice, punish evil and promote good. The international community should build a broad political consensus, uphold a zero-tolerance attitude towards corruption, create a system with zero loopholes, and carry out cooperation with zero obstacles. Adhere to respect for differences, equality and mutual learning. Respect the right of each country to independently choose an anti-corruption path, and promote the establishment of an international anti-corruption cooperative relationship featuring equal treatment, respect for differences, exchanges and mutual learning, and common progress. Adhere to win-win cooperation, joint consultation and joint construction. Uphold multilateralism and improve the global anti-corruption governance rule system on the basis of consensus. Act in accordance with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, and carry out anti-corruption cooperation under the framework of the United Nations Convention against Corruption. Insist on keeping promises and prioritizing actions. Parties to the Convention should abide by their solemn commitment to cooperate in combating corruption and fulfill their international obligations.
— — Promoting the development of women and children is an important goal of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. We must continue to vigorously promote the implementation of the “Beijing Declaration” and “Programme for Action”, and give priority to protecting the rights and interests of women and children; we must take comprehensive measures to ensure that women and children enjoy various development outcomes. It is necessary to support the United Nations in playing a leading and coordinating role in strengthening international cooperation on the cause of women and children around the world.
— — We must insist on addressing the challenges of refugees under the multilateral framework, give play to the role of the United Nations and UNHCR and other multilateral agencies as the main channel, effectively implement the Global Compact on Refugees, vigorously solve the root causes of large-scale refugees, and promote the international community based on common but The principle of differentiated responsibilities promotes global refugee governance.
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There is only one China in the world, Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory, and the government of the People’s Republic of China is the only legitimate government representing the whole of China. In 1971, the UN General Assembly passed Resolution 2758, which restored the legitimate seat of the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations, and completely resolved the issue of the representation of the whole of China, including Taiwan, in the United Nations politically, legally and procedurally. Any affairs involving Taiwan in the United Nations system, specialized agencies and the United Nations Secretariat should follow the one-China principle and General Assembly Resolution 2758. The one-China principle has become the general consensus of the international community and the basic norm of international relations.
Solving the Taiwan issue and realizing the complete reunification of the motherland is the common aspiration of all Chinese sons and daughters. China is willing to continue to strive for peaceful reunification with utmost sincerity and best efforts, but will never leave any space for various forms of “Taiwan independence” separatist activities. The Taiwan issue is China’s internal affairs, bearing on China’s core interests and the national sentiments of the Chinese people, and no outside interference is allowed.
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The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will be held soon. China will continue to follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, especially Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, actively participate in international affairs, demonstrate responsibility as a major country, and promote the building of a new type of international relations featuring mutual respect, fairness, justice, and win-win cooperation. The community with a shared future continues to make unremitting efforts!